Monday, January 23, 2006

Burping the Cyberbaby

I had hoped to get something solid posted tonight (and I may still), and then an antivirus update went all buggy on me and required a few hours of maintenance and trouble-shooting. God, I do not need two patients at once!
Moreover, my box and cable constitute about 80% of my contact with the rest of the world - family, friends, business, information - and the island would indeed be desert without them. Hope the colic disappears soon, certainly in time for the 1st anniversary of this blog next week.

More later, with luck....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Technology can be such a pain. Sorry you're having problems.

One Year Blogoversary?


We'll have to celebrate.

I'll bring the cybercake. I'm on day 23 of my diet, so I could really use a little cybercake! It'll have *everything* in it.